

Thematic Working Groups

The following Working Groups (WGs) have been established and each includes representatives from multiple I-CAN partner organizations. These Working Groups have developed over the life of the project, and the current make-up of each group reflects the outcomes of the 2nd Annual ICAN Stakeholder’s Workshop held in October 2015. ICAN’s Co-Directors, John Galaty and David Western, are ex-officio members in all of the working groups.

The WGs are responsible for coordination of project outcomes in the following thematic areas:


Property Rights & Tenure Systems



This Working Group is tasked with prioritizing and handling issues around land tenure, community rights around land ownership and natural resource use in the rangelands. The WG will develop and propose strategies regarding the application of I-CAN project resources to build natural resource management capacity at the community level. Under its supervision, I-CAN partners are currently conducting the following studies:

  • Engagement in policy for the Community Land Act (SORALO and RECONCILE)
  • Community awareness and feedback on the Community Land Act (ILEPA, SORALO, and IMPACT)
  • Contribution of traditional ecological knowledge on conservation of Loliondo Forest (PALISEP)



J. Ole Simel (MPIDO) Chair
J. Kamanga (SORALO) Co-Chair
J. Ole Sipitiek (ACC)
S. Moiko
S. Kimaren Riamit (ILEPA)
M. Odhiambo (RECONCILE)
R. Kamakia (PALISEP Ngorongoro)
J. Ole Kaunga (IMPACT)
E. Lekaita (UCRT)
J. Olila (TNRF)
A. Kisingo (College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka)
B. Leiyan (AET)


Economics, Incentives & Livelihoods



This group is broadly mandated to examine the impacts of conservation initiatives on community livelihoods and vice versa in the project areas. The group will also formulate and standardize research methods for studying these variables so that information is gathered and analyzed in a similar manner across all the study sites in Kenya and Tanzania. The group is currently supervising the following study:



J. Njoka (University of Nairobi CSDES) Chair, Kenya
A. Sirima (Sokoine U. of Agriculture/Kesho Trust) Co-chair, Tanzania
M. Tiampati (PDNK)
D. Kaelo (KCWCA)
J. Pollini (McGill)
R. Kamakia (PALISEP)
T. Yaile (Pastoral Women’s Council)
N. Kosoy (McGill)
J. Macharia (I-CAN Coordinator, ACC)


Knowledge Mobilization



The mandate of this Working Group will include the dissemination of project information via different media including print, electronic, visual and online, and prioritize the issues to be highlighted. This group will also propose protocols for the sharing and use of information and data generated by the I-CAN project and other duties as assigned to them by the project steering committee.



J. Mbau (University of Nairobi CSDES) Chair
C. Noe (University of Dar es Salaam) Co-Chair
B. Downie (the Kesho Trust)
M. Otieno (Wildlife Clubs of Kenya)
M. Tiampati (Pastoralist Development Network of Kenya)
C. Wright/J. Olendii (Sauti Moja)
T. Yaile (Pastoral Women’s Council)
D. Bell (Honeyguide foundation)
N. Barber (McGill University)
F. Chelimo (KWCA)


Capacity Building & Scholarships



This Working Group will oversee the capacity building and training activities of the project in East Africa. The work will include the organization of educational/awareness activities at the community level and the selection of  recipients of scholarships for graduate students undertaking studies in East African academic institutions.  The mandate of the WG also includes work towards increasing the visibility of the I-CAN project on the ground.



S. Moiko (University of Nairobi CSDES) Chair
D. Ouma (TNRF) Co-Chair
J. Mbau/J. Njoka (UoN CSDES representative)
S. Kimaren Riamit (ILEPA) Kenya Community Representative
E. Loure (UCRT) Tanzania Community Representative
A. Sirima (Sokoine U. of Agriculture/Kesho Trust) Tanzania Academic Advisor
A. Kisingo (College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka)
McGill University Representative
J. Macharia (I-CAN Coordinator, ACC)